- Are they Jack rs cakes? 那些是杰克的蛋糕吗?
- Are they Jack's cakes? 那些是杰克的蛋糕吗?
- What in the world are they hoping for? 他们到底想要什么?
- Are they talking in Spanish or Portuguese? 他们说的是西班牙语还是葡萄牙语?
- Jack rs scheme for raising money is practicable. 杰克筹款的计划是可行的。
- Jack rs face had been slashed with broken glass. 杰克的脸被碎玻璃划破了。
- Jim rs cake is the biggest of all. 吉姆的蛋糕是最大的。
- Jack rs countenance assumed an air of seriousness. 捷克装出认真的表情。
- How many military bases are they maintaining on foreign soil? 他们在外国保持多少个军事基地?
- Jack rs got eight hits in seven innings. 杰克在七个回合中,击中八次。
- What are they making such a hoo-ha about? 他们这样吵吵闹闹是怎麽回事?
- I happen to know that Jack rs quitted his job. 我碰巧得知杰克辞了职。
- Oh, no! Are they coming over again just so they can watch my vcr? 噢,糟了。他们是不是又冲着我的录像带而来?
- Are they still swigging at that bottle? They'll soon be drunk. 他们还在拿着瓶子暴饮吗?他们马上就会醉的。
- Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game? 他们凭什么擅自修改比赛规则?
- I ordered you to stand the men to: where are they? 我命令过你叫战士们进入戒备状态,可他们人呢?
- Welcome back. How are they all in Nottingham? 欢迎你回来。他们在诺丁汉好吗?
- What are they chewing the rag about now? 他们现在又在嘟囔些什么?
- Are they going to spend a few days on the beach ? 他们要在海滨住几天吗?
- Pertussis vaccines -- are they safe and effective? 百日咳菌苗-它们是安全与有效的?